
Bleaching threatens positive carbonate budgets on Bahraini reefs

Midhun Mohan, Abhilash Dutta Roy, Jorge F. Montenegro, Michael S. Watt, John A. Burt, Aurelie Shapiro, Dhouha Ouerfelli, Redeat Daniel, Sergio de-Miguel, Tarig Ali, Macarena Ortega Pardo, Mario Al Sayah, Valliyil Mohammed Aboobacker, Naji El Beyrouthy, Ruth Reef, Esmaeel Adrah, Reem AlMealla, Pavithra S.Pitumpe Arachchige, Pandi Selvam, Wan Shafrina Wan Mohd JaafarLara Sujud, Jenan Bahzad, Isuru Alawatte, Sohaib Hussein, Carlos López-Martínez, Frida Sidik, Manickam Nithyanandan, Meshal Abdullah, Mohammad Al-Khalid, Ammar Abulibdeh, Adrián Cardil, Jeffrey Q. Chambers


Bleaching events impact coral reef functionality and carbonate budget dynamics, which is reflected in reduced reef framework accretion, hindering reef ability to keep pace with sea-level rise projections. Reefs in the Arabian Gulf exist in harsh environmental conditions with seasonal temperatures ranging between 16 and 36 °C. Despite the high thermal thresholds (~ 35 °C) of corals in this region, extensive bleaching and high coral mortality have been reported regionally in 2017. We quantify reef carbonate budgets at a near shore and an offshore reef site in Bahrain pre-bleaching in May 2017 and post-bleaching in May 2018 to assess the impacts of the 2017 severe bleaching event on the budgetary state. Results indicate an overall decrease in hard coral cover from 14.2 ± 5.5 to 8.5 ± 1.4% and a decline in the net carbonate budget state from 3.6 ± 2.2 to 0.3 ± 0.3 kg CaCO3 m−2 year−1 at the shallow nearshore Fasht Al Adhm reef indicating a shift from a positive budgetary state to net neutral, while the deeper offshore Reef Bul Thamah has increased positively from 3.7 ± 1.2 to 4.2 ± 0.6 kg CaCO3 m−2 year−1. We attribute the decline in the nearshore reef to the bleaching event which took place between July and October 2017, resulting in high coral mortality rates and subsequent reduced framework carbonate production. Predicted warming trends present a threat to the structural integrity of shallow Bahraini reefs, compromising their ability to keep pace with future sea-level rise projections.



Nuwat has proudly published the first data driven paper on Bahraini coral reefs that showcases the results of the first attempt to quantify reef carbonate budgets in the Arabian Gulf:

  AlMealla, R & Hepburn L (2024). Coral Reefs in the Pearl of the Gulf- Bahrain. In: Coral reefs and associated marine fauna around the Arabian Peninsula. Eds: NMA Rasul and ICF Stewart. Taylor and Francis. (Available Online)

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