Khalil Alwedaei

Terrestrial & Marine Ecologist
Khalil Alwedaei is an MSc holder in Environment and Sustainable Development (2007) along with a BSc in Biology and chemistry (1989). He has 30 years of experience teaching in the Department of Biology at the University of Bahrain (1990 -2020) where he taught various subjects including biology; ecology, marine biology, zoology, and physiology. In addition, he has a wealth of experience in conducting environmental studies, scientific research in addition to contributing to several published scientific papers, EIA studies including marine and terrestrial surveys. Furthermore, he has participated in conducting ecotourism trips, and public educational activities. He has previously served as the field leader of the team that conducted the Kingdom of Bahrain’s marine shallow habitat mapping under the Arabian Gulf University (AGU). Alwedaei is working on the establishment of photographic documentation of habitats and species biodiversity in the Kingdom of Bahrain, especially the wild flora. Alwedaei is a licensed NAWI SCUBA divemaster, underwater digital imaging, underwater naturalist, and SCUBA rescue diver. Alwedaei was one of the founders of the Bahrain Diving Volunteers Team (BDVT) and the chairman of the environmental studies committee, and he was also the director of the Friends of the Environment Club at the University of Bahrain. Lastly, he was also a member of the Bahrain Environment Society.
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Sun-Thu: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
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Janabiyah, Bahrain