Learn more about Tadween
Step 1: Remember Us
Remember us when you go on a walk, boat trip, snorkel or your scuba dive trip! -
Step 2: Take a Photo
If you see any species e.g. a jellyfish, cuttlefish, sea star, sea urchin, bird, fish, marine mammals, take a photo (preferably more than one from different angles) to help us identify your sighting and describe what you saw. -
Step 3: Share Videos
In case you want to share a video with us, use our whatsapp number to send your sighting. Share Video on Whatsapp -
Step 4: Pin your location & environmental conditions
From you, we can use your sightings to determine distribution of species along with seasonal changes. Your reports can also help us monitor both usual and unusual events. -
Step 5: Record your Observation
Fill in the details in our form -
Step 6: Submit your Observation
Submit your observation on Tadween web form.