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Tadween - Report a Sighting

Research | Education | Conservation

Learn more about Tadween


  • Step 1: Remember Us
    Remember us when you go on a walk, boat trip, snorkel or your scuba dive trip!
    Remember Us
  • Step 2: Take a Photo
    If you see any species e.g. a jellyfish, cuttlefish, sea star, sea urchin, bird, fish, marine mammals, take a photo (preferably more than one from different angles) to help us identify your sighting and describe what you saw.
    Take a Photo
  • Step 3: Share Videos
    In case you want to share a video with us, use our whatsapp number to send your sighting. Share Video on Whatsapp
    Video Share
  • Step 4: Pin your location & environmental conditions
    From you, we can use your sightings to determine distribution of species along with seasonal changes. Your reports can also help us monitor both usual and unusual events.
    Pin Location
  • Step 5: Record your Observation
    Fill in the details in our form
  • Step 6: Submit your Observation
    Submit your observation on Tadween web form.

Contact Details

* Full Name
Please provide a First Name and Last Name
* Email Address
Please provide a valid email address
Phone Number
Please provide a valid phone number with country code (minimum 11 digits, example: +973 39 xx xx xx)

Sighting Details

Organism Group
Scientific Name
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Local or Common Name
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* Sighting Date
Please provide Date of the Sighting
Sighting Time
Please provide Time of the Sighting
Noticeable Landmark
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* Location
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* Country
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* Approx. Number Sighted
Must be a valid number
Behavior Observation
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Please provide max. 5 photos of the species. Only .jpg or .png (photo size must be less than 2.5MB size)
Link to more photos
Link to Google Drive, We Transfer or Dropbox or other
Latitude (North or South)
Extract the latitude location (between -90 and 90) with 6 decimal places
Longitude Location (East or West)
Extract the longitude location (between -180 and 180) with 6 decimal places
More Notes
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